Saturday, December 27, 2008

Asthma And Your Child

If your child is suffering from asthma, here is good news for you. By regular treatment from the guidance of your physician, he can live an absolute normal life. It is very common for them to get depressed at times and it is your responsibility to boost them up through your positive attitude like:

  • Encourage your child to participate in normal day to day activities.
  • Encourage him to do what he enjoys most.
  • Encourage him to be independent.
  • Teach him the facts about asthma, when he will be mature enough to understand.
  • He should be made responsible for taking his medicines regularly.
  • He should be able to contact emergency in need.
  • Inform school authority regarding his asthma.

Childhood Asthma - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1. Can my child outgrow asthma?

Answer: Some child outgrows asthma as they grow older. In some it stops for some time and then recurs and in the rest it persists.

Q2. W ill my other children also be affected with asthma?

Answer: Asthma is not a contagious disease and not transmitted from person to person. Since this tends to run in the families, chance of them of being affected cannot be ruled out but not necessarily that does not mean that they will be affected as a rule!

Q3. Can my child exercise?

Answer: It is very important to do exercises. Swimming, Yoga and breathing exercises help to relieve asthma in a great way. In case he cannot, consult with your physician, he will titrate the doses and prescribe graded exercise till he reaches the normal level.

Q4. Should my child have special diet?

Answer: Not much known about the role of diet in asthma. Any trigger factor known to be present in diet must be completely avoided. Breastfeeding in infants increases immunity and helps the child to fight asthma better.

Q5. What to do when he starts going to school?

Answer: Don't hide his asthma from his teacher and the school authority. They should be properly informed regarding his treatment schedule. He must carry his medicines along in the school.

Q6. Can I send him to school trips?

Answer: If the asthma is properly controlled, yes you can. The accompanying teacher must be well informed about your child's asthma and its management protocol. He should carry all the medicines, including the emergency medicines along with him.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Asthma:

Here are few frequently asked questions by the asthma sufferers with their answers:

Q1. Can I lead normal life?

Answer: Never expect anything less than that. Stick to the regime prescribed by your doctor. Trust him and please don't listen to them, around you, who know everything about anything! It is sure that you will lead a perfect normal healthy life in all respect.

Q2. When preventer medicines are needed?

Answer: Though it is your doctor can judge and tell you the best; here are few thumb rules:

  • When cough, wheeze and difficulty in breathing is hampering your normal activities 2 – 3 times a week.
  • Your sleep is getting disturbed for few nights a week.
  • You are requiring the reliever drugs for 2 – 3 times a week.

Q3. The preventers, which I know are steroids, are safe to use for long term?

Answer: Yes they are safe as long as you are taking them in proper doses as prescribed by your doctor and taking them regularly. Don't forget to wash your mouth after taking the puff to wash away the remnant medicines from your oral cavity.

Q4. I have heard that the medicines have side effects.

Answer: Taking in proper doses regularly as advised by your physician has negligible, if any, side effects relative to your suffering in asthma.

Q5. Are the asthma drugs addictive?

Answer: No way they are addictive. Of course you have to take them regularly for prolonged periods to keep yourself symptom free, but that does not mean that they are addictive. In that way water should also be called addictive!

Q6. Can I exercise?

Answer: Exercising help asthmatics. Swimming, Yoga and breathing exercises are particularly helpful. Limit you exercise up to your tolerance level and raise the level gradually towards expected level. In case you found it is difficult consult your physician, he will regulate the doses for you.

Q7. I am asthmatic. Can I smoke a little?

Answer: Just don't. Even passive smoking must be avoided. Smoke will irritate your airway, thereby narrowing it will aggravate your asthma.

Q8. I am on asthma medication. Can I be pregnant or breast feed my baby?

Answer: It is very important to continue your asthma medication throughout your pregnancy. If not, it will hamper mother's health as well as growth and development of the baby. The only way to control asthma is regular inhaler therapy as prescribed. Breast feeding has no problem with asthma medication.

Q9. Is it safe to travel for the asthmatics?

Answer: If in control, asthmatics can travel by any mode of transport. Do carry your medicines, which are required and the medicines you may require in case of sever attack. Consult your doctor before starting your journey.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Understanding The Treatment Of Asthma

Main aim of treatment of asthma is to ensure:

  1. The person symptom free or, minimal symptoms.
  2. Sound sleep at night without any symptoms.
  3. He should not miss any normal activities like work and studies, and other physical activities due to asthma.
  4. To stop visiting hospital emergencies and admitting now and then.
  5. Nil or, minimal side effects from the medicines.

Treatment of asthma has to be designer and it varies from person to person. Your doctor will tailor made the regime, which suits you most.

There are two types of medications for asthmatics.

  • Quick relief or, in other words relievers
  • Preventive measures or, preventers.


These should act immediately to relieve your symptoms by widening your airways. Their action lasts for 4 – 6 hours and help to relieve your breathing problem and cough, associated with the acute attack.


They are the key medicines for managing asthma and not meant for giving you immediate relief. Regular use of them keeps your airway protected from acute attacks.

Different ways of taking asthma medicines:

There are three routes, by which medicines reach lungs to relieve asthma

  1. You puff
  2. You swallow
  3. Take injections

Puff or Inhaler:

Being the treatment of first choice, the most commonly used form of treatment today are inhalers. Though there are many myths and misconceptions regarding the inhalers, which I will elaborate later in this article, for the time being, I want to stress upon, this is the only way by which you can lead a normal life.

Here the medicines are directly going to your lungs. Like you are using the eye drops for your eye sore and ear drops for your ear problems. A minute quantity of medicine is required to bring upon a desired effect, relative to the oral medications and thus the side effects are eventually nil or negligible.

There are many types of inhalers found in the market. The major types commonly used are:

  • Powder inhaler or, Rota haler
  • Spray inhaler or, metered dose inhaler
  • Nebulizers – Mostly used in hospital to control an acute severe attack. Here medicines are in a form of a mist and breathed by the patient by normal respiration.

Swallow or, oral medicines:

Tablets and syrups were used in rampant few years back. They work by reaching the blood stream from your stomach and then to the lung to produce the results. Much larger doses are necessary to achieve the desired effect thus results in higher side effects.


They are required to control severe intractable attack of asthma, not controlled by inhaler or nebulizers.

Myths and Misconception regarding inhalers:

Myth I: Inhalers are the last resort for treatment of asthma

Truth: They are the first choice even in mildest cases.

Myth II: Inhalers are addictive:

Truth: This is the only way you can control asthma. No question of addiction is there but you have to take those regularly to prevent the attack.

Myth III: The inhalers are very expensive.

Truth: They actually save your life as well as money by increasing your efficiency, preventing hospitalization and expensive treatments. The best part is they protect your lung from acute life threatening attacks.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Know the factors, which aggravate or, precipitate asthma

Asthma triggers are the substances, which precipitates the asthma attack in a person. There is a list of very common triggers and there may be a particular trigger for a particular person. The affected person learns quickly their triggers and they should avoid those triggers as far as practicable.

Let us know some of the common triggers:

  • Virus and cold: 80% asthmatics are sensitive.
  • Smoky place and cigarette smoke: 70% asthmatics are sensitive.
  • Cool Breeze: 60% asthmatics are sensitive.
  • Household dust: 70% asthmatics are sensitive.
  • Air Pollution: 40% asthmatics are sensitive.
  • Pollen grain: 50 % asthmatics are sensitive.
  • Physical exercise and strain: 80% asthmatics are sensitive.
  • Feather and furs of pets: 80% asthmatics are sensitive.

The other triggers commonly found are paint fumes, flour dust, wood dust, grains and even emotional strains can precipitate or aggravate the asthma attacks.

Steps one should take to avoid triggers:

  • Keep the pets outside your bed room. Give them bath once a week, if possible by some other person than the affected one.
  • Avoid flowering plants in the home
  • Don't do dusting of furniture with dry cloth. Better take a wet cloth and wipe the dust.
  • Avoid using carpet. Carpet attracts dust and will aggravate the sufferings.
  • Wash bed cover, pillow cover, soft toys etc at least once a week with warm water.
  • Clean the A/C and air cooler filter frequently.
  • While painting your home cover your nose and mouth with clean handkerchief.
  • Don't smoke and don't allow other to smoke beside you.
  • Keep your kitchen and bathroom airy. This will prevent mould and fungus, a known trigger.
  • Use scarf to cover your head and neck in cold.
  • Know if any medicine, you are sensitive to. Tell your doctor before hand. Pain killers, some antibiotics and some medicines for hypertension ( beta blocker) are better to avoid.
  • While exercising take your preventive inhaler before hand. Properly warm up and cool down before and after exercise.
  • Excessive emotion, laughing, crying are known to precipitate attacks. Try to avoid as far as practicable.

Know whether you have asthma?

Shortness of breath, a tight feeling in the chest, cough and wheeze while breathing are the main symptoms of asthma. The wheezing sound is sometimes so prominent and so specific of asthma; people easily recognize it as asthma.

The symptoms differ from person to person and even in the same person at different times. Some people may have all the symptoms together while some present only with one e.g. tightness in chest or cough.

The other symptoms are:

  • Disturbance in sleep:

If somebody wakes up at night suddenly by vigorous cough, the most likely cause is asthma. Asthma tend to worsen at night and early morning.

  • Breathing problem on physical strain :

When asthma patient exercises, they are prone to develop breathlessness early. They quit exercising because of sudden onset of cough and wheezing.

  • Cough and cold:

For all people, during the change of season it is fairly common to catch cough and cold; but with asthmatics this cough does not clear up easily with other symptoms. It is common to think it is a chest infection, which is not actually the case. In fact the most common cause of long standing cough is asthma.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

You Need To Know Asthma

Nowadays Asthma is neither a stigma and nor a terrifying disease. Since last two decades major advances are made in understanding the disease, its prevention and management. By the recent diagnostic methods and the treatments, both preventive and curative, one can enjoy life like a normal person, provided he sticks to the treatment offered by the doctor, without listening to so many wise persons, who know everything of anything, around him.

Through the following few articles, you will be able to understand asthma better. You will know why asthma occurs, how to prevent and treat asthma and so on.

Let us start with – What is asthma?

Asthma is primarily a disease of the lungs. Sufferers tend to have difficulty in normal breathing and they usually cough vigorously. This happens because, the airways, which is used for breathing become narrower than usual. The muscles around that pipe become tighter, the inner lining of the tube, which is known as mucus membrane swells up, which in medical term we say oedema, they produce sticky secretion (mucus). These altogether set up a condition, when air is blocked while they go in or come out of the lungs.

Asthma is very common condition and it affects people irrespective of age, sex, race, ethnicity, country. Asthma tends to run in families too. Sometimes it may skip few generations to affect a person in a same family!

But the best news is asthma is treatable. It should be diagnosed properly. Forget all the myths, which I will tell you in my next few articles, one can live absolutely normal life, and expect nothing less than that.

Just to boost your morale here are the names of few celebrities who are the victims of asthma and won it.

  • Saurav Ganguly – Former captain of Team India Cricket
  • Ian Botham – Former captain of England Cricket Team
  • Jackey Joyner Kersey – Athlete
  • Dr. Rajendra Prasad – First President of India
  • Indira Gandhi – Former Prime Minister of India
  • John Kennedy – Former President of America
  • Amitav Bachhan – Actor
  • Sharon stone – Actress
  • Kenny G – Musician
  • Charles Dickens - Novelist

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Methods Of Contraception: Prevent Unwanted Pregnancies

There are many methods available to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Availability of so many methods means, till date there are no ideal contraceptive available! An ideal contraceptive should be 100% effective with no health hazards or side effects, completely reversible and should not hamper the sexual pleasure of the partners. Unfortunately none meet all the criteria so far.

However one should know the available methods, and use which is most suitable for him / her.

Broadly contraceptives can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Temporary Methods
    1. Non hormonal:
  • Safe period
  • Withdrawal method ( Coitus interruptus)
  • Condom
  • Vaginal spermicide
  • Female condoms and caps
  • IUCD (Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device)
  1. Hormonal:
  • Cyclical oestrogen progesterone combined oral contraceptive pill
  • Progesterone only pills
  • Hormonal implants
  • Injectable hormonal contraceptives
  • Hormonal subdermal implants
  • Emergency Contraception

  1. Permanent Methods
  • Vasectomy
  • Tubectomy (Laparoscopic or Mini laparaotomy)

My following articles will describe in details the popular methods among the listed ones. Feel free to contact me in case of any doubt or question through comments or mail

Secondary Dysmenorrhoea

Cyclical Pain Abdomen Related With Menstruation – Dysmenorrhoea

The commonest complain in my Out Patient Department I encounter from all age group of patients is cyclical pain associated with menstruation. The medical term for this condition is dysmenorrhoea. The condition is very common and most of the time, not always, it is nothing serious. In this article you will have some idea how and why such cyclical pain occurs and what one should do?

More than 90% of women some time or other, in their life experience pain during her menstruation. In clinical terms we have two types of dysmenorrhoea.

  1. Primary dysmenorrhoea
  2. Secondary dysmenorrhoea

Secondary dysmenorrhoea:

This kind of cyclical pain during menstruation is associated with some disease/ pathology in the genital organ i.e., uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Secondary dysmenorrhoea develop years after the onset of menstruation. Here the pain begins 1 – 2 weeks prior to menstrual flow and persists till few days after cessation. The mechanism of secondary dysmenorrhoea is not fully understood and NSAID ( Nonsteroidal Antinflammatory Drugs) do not provide full relief. Treatment to this kind of dysmenorrhoea should be directed to the treatment of the underlying cause.

Here are the few common gynaecological cause of secondary dysmenorrhoea:

  1. Adenomyosis
  2. Endometriosis
  3. Fibroid uterus
  4. Pelvic congestion syndrome
  5. Sub acute pelvic infection
  6. Adhesions


Though this is a disease of women in their forties, but frequently encountered in younger women nowadays. The normal site for endometrium is lining of the uterine cavity. In this disease endometrium is abnormally found in the musculature of the uterus. This make the uterus large and painful during menstruation. The affected woman complains painful heavy periods and pain during intercourse.

Diagnosis of adenomyosis is easily done from the symptoms, clinical findings and ultrasonography.

There is no medical treatment available at present for this condition. The affected organ uterus has to be removed by operation (Hysterectomy) after she completes her family. Till such time symptomatic treatment with analgesics are done.


Nowadays an extremely common condition affecting girls and women of almost all age group after 16 years! I will post a separate article on this condition to give a little in depth information. In this condition endometrium is found in different abnormal location inside the abdominal cavity and even the skin. In each cycle endometrium in these abnormal sites bleed along with the normal endometrium, lining the uterine cavity. This bleeding causes severe pain and varied kind of symptoms depending on the site of bleeding. Endometriosis is a major cause of infertility. Painful, sometimes incapacitating heavy menstruation, pain during intercourse are the major complains.

Diagnosis of endometriosis is done by clinical history, examination, ultrasonography and finally by diagnostic laparoscopy.

Definitive treatment of endometriosis is removal of ovaries and uterus. Unfortunately the disease is mostly found in young woman without any child. Different kind of hormonal treatment and conservative surgery are usually advised to them. Once they complete their family and still the symptoms persist removal of uterus and ovaries (hysterectomy) done.

Fibroid Uterus:

These are benign tumors in the uterine musculature. Though mostly remain symptomless, but sometimes obstructs the natural flow of menstruation and causes pain. The other symptoms are swelling of abdomen, excessive bleeding during and sometimes in between menstruation, repeated abortions, failure to conceive depending on the size and site of the tumor.

Diagnosis of fibroid uterus is done from complain of the patients, clinical examination and ultimately by ultrasonography.

Treatment of fibroid uterus: This depend on the symptoms, age and whether the woman has completed her family or not. If family is completed, in a symptomatic patient, the affected organ is removed surgically ( Hysterectomy). Otherwise removal of the tumors (conservative surgery) is done.

Pelvic congestion syndrome:

Common sufferers are the women in their reproductive age. This condition is most likely associated with emotional stress, which in turn increases the blood flow to the genital organs i.e. uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. This causes pain during menstruation, heavy bleeding and pain while intercourse ( dysparunea).

Diagnosis of pelvic congestion syndrome is done from history, clinical examination, ultrasonography, MRI, trans uterine pelvic venogram and laparoscopy.

Treatment depends on the age and the number of children the woman has. If her family is not completed conservative treatment with analgesics and different hormones are done. Once she completes her family and still suffers hysterectomy is done.

Subacute pelvic infections:

Inadequately treated infection of the uterus and its appendages, fallopian tubes and ovaries may persist and causes dysmenorrhoea, excessive bleeding and dysparunea. Proper treatment of the infection may solve the issue but in resistant cases hysterectomy is the answer.


Adhesions may occur with the surrounding organs like urinary bladder, intestines, rectum and within the uterus and its organs i.e. ovaries and fallopian tubes. The cause of such adhesions may be repeated infections, sexually transmitted diseases or any abdominal or vaginal operations like MTP (Medical Termination Of Pregnancy).

The woman presents with dysmenorrhoea, dysparunea, difficulty in passing urine and stool. Diagnosis is done by laparoscopy . The minor adhesions are usually dealt with freeing the uterus and appendages by operation either by laparoscopy or open operation. In bad type of such adhesion removal of uterus is the only answer.

Cyclical Pain Abdomen Related With Menstruation – Dysmenorrhoea

The commonest complain in my Out Patient Department I encounter from all age group of patients is cyclical pain associated with menstruation. The medical term for this condition is dysmenorrhoea. The condition is very common and most of the time, not always, it is nothing serious. In this article you will have some idea how and why such cyclical pain occurs and what one should do?

More than 90% of women some time or other, in their life experience pain during her menstruation. In clinical terms we have two types of dysmenorrhoea.

a) Primary dysmenorrhoea
b) Secondary dysmenorrhoea

Primary dysmenorrhoea :
It is a condition where the girl/ woman having cyclical pain at menstruation, and on investigation no disease is found in the genital organs. This is the commonest form of dysmenorrhoea see in young adults. These usually appears within one to two years after girls starts menstruating and usually lasts for few years and in most cases subside after having a baby. Sometimes it may also continue up to 40 years of age.

Typically the pain starts few hours before or, at the onset of menstruation and last for 48 to 72 hours. The main is similar to labor pain to some extent. The affected girl have cramps in lower abdomen along with backache . Most girls can tolerate this very easily and none of their daily activities are hampered due to this. In few others, it is severe enough to detain her from normal activities and may be associated with nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache and even fainting attack in severe cases.

Pain sensitivity varies with the individuals. Some can tolerate pain better than others. This may be one of the causes for such condition in some girls. The intensity of the process of pain may also be greater in few of them. Whatever may be the reason, be assured that this is not any dangerous condition and in no way it is going to affect her future sex life or child bearing.

Why pain during menstruation happens?

Prostaglandin, a chemical is produced while a girl is menstruating is the culprit for these symptoms. It produces contractions in the uterine muscles and affect the other organs to produce different kind of symptoms. Girls who are having increased sensitivity to prostaglandins get more symptoms.

What to do when I am in pain during my period (menstruation)?

If this problem is bearable and not detaining you from any activity of yours, don’t worry at all. Have nutritious food and do regular exercises and enjoy your life. In case, you are incapacitated for few days each month, you should visit a gynaecologist. He will probably order a ultrasonography to exclude any other problem in your genital organ. If nothing found abnormal, which is true for most cases, nothing to worry about.

Treatment of Primary dysmenorrhoea:

Analgesics work by inhibiting the prostaglandins, the culprit chemical causing this. Any nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) for 2 – 3 days (deliberately I am not writing the name – get it prescribed by your doctor) will relieve the symptoms. The common mistake done by many general practitioners, medicine shops, and the patient is they prescribe or take antispasmodics like Buscopan. This will not help alone. You have to take NSAID along with it.

Know about Secondary dysmenorrhoea here.

Dietary Guideline

  1. A nutritionally adequate diet should be consumed through a wise choice from a variety of foods.

  1. Additional food and extra care be required during pregnancy and lactation.

  1. Exclusive breast-feeding should be practiced for upto 6 months. Breast-feeding can be continued upto two years.

  1. Food supplements should be introduced to infants after 6 months.

  1. Adequate and appropriate diet should be taken by children and adolescents, both in health and disease.

  1. Green leafy vegetables, other vegetables and fruits should be used in plenty.

  1. Cooking oils and animal foods should be used in moderation, and vanaspati/ghee/butter should be used only sparingly.

  1. Over-eating should be avoided to prevent over-weight and obesity. Proper physical activity is essential to maintain desirable body weight.

  1. Salt should be used in moderation.

  1. Foods consumed should be safe and clean.

  1. Healthy and positive food concepts and cooking practices should be adopted.

  1. Water should be taken in adequate amounts and beverages should be consumed in moderation.

  1. Processed and ready-to-eat foods should be used judiciously. Sugar should be used sparingly.

  1. The elderly should eat a nutrient-rich diet to keep fit and active.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Protect Your Skin In Winter - 10 suggestions

Largest organ of your body is your skin! We only start caring this precious organ when winter starts knocking the door. Here are few information gathered from different researches by different researchers, which will help you to know and care your skin better.

  1. Stress Can Harm: Your complexion get messed up if you are stressed physically or mentally. Free radical surge in stress damage almost all part of your body including the skin. You can see how quickly the person look older, when stressed in real life example.
    Though it is difficult to avoid stress in day to day life at home or, work but Yoga, deep breathing exercises, aerobic exercises, and optimum intake of antioxidants will help you combat the damage.
  2. Care Your Food: A research showed 23 people put on low glycemic and high protein diet for 12 weeks got their skin much better than their counterpart. This proves nutrition plays an important role on the texture of your skin. So for now onwards, beware when you are heading for those yummy pastries, chocolates or mithai.
  3. Rely On Fruits And Vegetables: A recent study in UK said regular consumption of tomato paste reduces the sun burn. Tomato contain lypopene, a powerful antioxidant, which shield your skin from the harmful effect of the sun rays. Several other researches proved fruits and vegetables protect and restore the skin. Green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, rich in Vit A, and Vit C, both are powerful antioxidants, should be included in your daily diet.
  4. Milk Is Not Always Good: It has been found some teens get their acne worse with the consumption of milk. May be the cow hormones, those are naturally present in the milk is the reason. If you are susceptible to such condition avoid milk and substitute milk with any soya products.
  5. Shower Will Rejuvenate You: Every time you sweat, your body is covered with oily secretions. Don't ever feel lazy for a shower when you in such condition. Bacterias grow abundantly on the secretions very quickly and produces bad smell and cause harm to your precious skin. Frequently rinse your face with cool water and any good quality face wash.
  6. Choose Your Moisturizers Right: Don't believe blindly on the advertisements and the promises those are made on a product. If the product you are using does not match your skin, you are not only wasting money, but also actually damaging your skin. Hyaluronic acid and glycerin are the two ingredients you should look for in you moisturizer. They keep your skin soft and supple.
  7. Delicate Parts Of Your Skin Need Special Attention: Face is bare and continually exposed to the harmful UV rays of the sun. Lips, Skin around your eyes and upper part of the chest are thinnest and most delicate. They need special protection with sunscreen lotion and lip balms.
  8. Little Explanation Of The Sunscreen Products: You must have noticed the ingredient 'SPF' in the sunscreen products. SPF means sun protection factor. SPF 15 protect 94% of UV rays while SPF 30 up to 98%. Better choose SPF 30 when possible. Sunscreen with zinc oxide is even better.
  9. Complicated Cosmetics May Harm: While choosing your cosmetics look at the ingredients they have. Try to limit the number of ingredients up to 10, otherwise overload of cosmetic ingredients may actually harm your skin.
  10. Look At Yourself When You Get Up: Do you look shiny after a snooze? There were several hormonal reactions going on you body while you were sleeping and produced enormous amount of oily secretion on your face. You can prevent this by a proper overnight treatment of your face.