There are many methods available to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Availability of so many methods means, till date there are no ideal contraceptive available! An ideal contraceptive should be 100% effective with no health hazards or side effects, completely reversible and should not hamper the sexual pleasure of the partners. Unfortunately none meet all the criteria so far.
However one should know the available methods, and use which is most suitable for him / her.
Broadly contraceptives can be divided into the following categories:
- Temporary Methods
- Non hormonal:
- Non hormonal:
- Safe period
- Withdrawal method ( Coitus interruptus)
- Condom
- Vaginal spermicide
- Female condoms and caps
- IUCD (Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device)
- Hormonal:
- Cyclical oestrogen progesterone combined oral contraceptive pill
- Progesterone only pills
- Hormonal implants
- Injectable hormonal contraceptives
- Hormonal subdermal implants
- Emergency Contraception
- Permanent Methods
- Vasectomy
- Tubectomy (Laparoscopic or Mini laparaotomy)
My following articles will describe in details the popular methods among the listed ones. Feel free to contact me in case of any doubt or question through comments or mail
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