Friday, January 9, 2009

Emergency Contraception

Emergency contraceptive should be used as an emergency measure in an isolated unprotected intercourse and not as a routine practice.Anyone who is in need of emergency contraception should consider a regular method of contraception from her next cycle.Most popular method of emergency contraception available today is levonorgestrel. The other invasive method is IUCD.


This is a progesterone only pill to be taken within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse. 1.5 mg tablet of levonorgestrel available in different brand name like ipill or, pill72 to be taken preferably within 12 hours and not later than 72 hours of the incident. The failure rate is 1.1%, earlier taken, lower is the chance of failure. If in case vomiting occurs within three hours of intake, take a second dose immediately. 1.5 mg of levonorgestrel offer some protection up to 120 hours.

The following menstruation in that cycle may be early or late and they should use condom till her next period. After that seriously consider any regular method. She must visit doctor if her period becomes irregular or any way abnormal or, in case of any lower abdominal pain.

Levonorgestrel is not suitable for those having focal migraine, history of thromboembolisim or having acute porphyria.

Emergency Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD)

It is invasive procedure to insert a contraceptive device CuT in the uterus within 120 hours of unprotected intercourse. This is in fact more effective than the hormonal method and is available up to 5 days after the incident. This is based on the fact that the fertilized ovum is implanted in the uterus on the 6th day after the fertilization. IUCD prevents implantation of the ovum.

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