What is PCOS?
- The full form of PCOS is Poly Cystic Ovarian syndrome. This disease is also known as Stein Leventhal Syndrome or, PCOD (Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease).
- 6 –10 % women get affected by this disease and many of them are not aware of their presence.
- Though this disease is not curable but treatment is available to alleviate the symptoms.
- This is one of the major reasons for the women, who are unable to conceive.
- The effect of the disease process is more serious than just infertility.
- Don't think it is only a cosmetic problem.
What are the symptoms and findings of PCOS/ PCOD:
- Irregular or, no menstruation.
- Multiple small cysts in the ovaries. Though common but not consistent finding.
- High Blood pressure.
- Excessive pimples.
- Rise in the level if insulin, Insulin resistance or type II Diabetes.
- Unable to conceive or infertility.
- Excessive hair on face and body.
- Hair fall and male type of baldness.
- Gain in weight particularly central obesity.
Know whether you are a victim of PCOS by this small survey:
There are many other hormonal irregularities which may cause menstrual problems and some of the other symptoms, which may mimic PCOS. It is very important to diagnose whether it is PCOS or not?
Here are twelve questions for you to answer in yes or no format. If 5 or, more turn to be yes, there is fair possibility that, you may be suffering from PCOS.
- You menstruate 8 or, less times in a year?
- Have you ever experienced no menstruation for 4 months or more?
- Do you suffer from irregular periods or, just stains at times?
- Are you facing problem to conceive?
- Do you have excessive hair on your face or body?
- Are you irritated with your pimples?
- You are losing your hair regularly?
- Do you have velvet kind of skin near your neck?
- Have you suddenly gained some weight?
- You are getting fatter at your hip?
- Do you love to take sweets or feel dizzy after taking food?
- Any one of your first degree relative has Type II Diabetes?
If this survey result is 5+ for you, consult a gynaecologist immediately. As previously mentioned, PCOS is more than infertility and cosmetic problem. There is increased chance of endometrial cancer, heart diseases, and diabetes related complications. Proper and timely treatment, which is long term, will save you from lots of complications.
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