Thursday, February 19, 2009

Obesity management dieting principle

How fat deposited

Obesity is the result of overeating and physical inactivity. The unutilized calories are converted into fat and deposited in the fat depots of the body located in the abdomen and under the skin. The result of this is bulging abdomen and bloated body. Being ready sources of energy, fats and sugar are quickly converted into body fat in the event of their non-utilization.

Principles of dieting

While it is important to lower the total calorie intake, most of this reduction should be from the sugar and fats, i.e. sweets, sweet dishes, ice creams, ghee, butter and edible oils, as well as red meat and egg yolk. All fried food and junk food are therefore prohibited.

If you take non-vegetarian diet, change over to partial vegetarianism, so that you are taking animal food no more than l/3rd of plant food. Changeover should be gradual, because too much fiber too soon may produce abdominal discomfort. Increase the consumption of high fiber foods such as grains and beans gradually, especially in the evenings.

Do not skip meals; 'No fast and No feast' is the best policy.

Ensure variety of foods. It keeps the diet well balanced.

Remain physically active and exercise regularly.

Exercise burns calories by stimulating metabolism and the effect continues for many hours after exercise. It builds muscles too and will compensate for any muscle loss that may occur as a result of dieting.

Aim to reduce 1-2 kg per month. Do not take crash diets or hasten the process of weight reduction; it is unhealthy.

Weight once lost should not be regained. Going down the weighing scale and then up leads to more fat accumulation at the expense of muscle.

Achieve Satiety without Overeating

*No dieting is possible on a hungry stomach; you have to fill the stomach in such a way that you eat fewer calories.

*Eat plenty of raw vegetables, salads and fruit; they provide bulk, vitamins and minerals but they are low in calories.

*Drink plenty of water or diluted unsweetened buttermilk (lassi) before and during meals.

Change the style of eating:

Eat slowly and chew well; it takes 20 minutes to achieve
satiety; if you eat fast, you will eat more. Take low-fat snacks between meals, such as fresh fruits, popcorn, chana, unsweetened biscuits, etc.; they prevent overeating at regular meals. Do not fast if it leads to overeating next day.

Do not deny yourself your favorite food completely, because they are fattening; occasionally indulge yourself. This will help you to stick to your dieting routine better.

Steps to be taken at childhood to prevent obesity:

It is now known that giving children cow's (or formula) milk in the first year of life increases the size and number of fat cells in the body. This results in obesity in adult life which becomes difficult to shed. Children should be given breast milk in the first year, adding fresh vegetables and fruits, but minimum of sugar, sweets and fat, at the appropriate time.

This article is also published in India Study Channel

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