Monday, February 23, 2009

Role of ultrasonography in male infertility

Ultrasound Assessment of the Mate Partner

Male factor infertility today comprises almost 40% of the causes in an infertile male. The modern life style and additives in food have became a major environ¬mental cause of oligoasthenospermia.

The function of male genital system encompasses the central nervous system (hypothalamus and pituitary), the adrenal glands, the testes, the epididymis, the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland. Any malfunctions of any of these may affect the male reproductive capacity.

Scrotal and transrectal (TRUS) are used in evaluation of the reproductive tract disorders. Color flow imaging is used for assessment of varicocele. 3-D is used for testicular volume and seminal vesicle and prostate evaluation. Computed tomography and endorectal Magnetic Resonance Imaging can also be used.

Scrotal sonography

Scrotal sonography is performed with patient in supine position using a special small probe. This can evaluate the testis for size, shape, hydrocele, benign tumours, atrophy, malignancy, orchitis, torsion, haemorrhage, focal lesions, etc. Ultrasound imaging is very sensitive in testicular evaluation.

Transrectal Ultrasonography (TRUS)

Transrectal Ultrasonography (TRUS) is an excellent approach for visualising the seminal vesicles, prostate and ejaculatory ducts. With TRUS we can assess obstructions, absence or hypoplasia of seminal vesicle and ejaculatory ducts. TRUS is an excellent screening test for ejaculatory duct pathologies and is indicated in all men with severe oligospermia and a low volume ejaculate.

This article is also published in India Study Channel

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