Monday, February 23, 2009

Tea, Coffee and colas - How good are they for our health

Cold drinks and hot beverages has become an integrated element of today’s modern society. We cannot avoid these drinks when we mix socially. These drinks are not at all bad if taken in moderation but excessive use may harm our health. In this article let us know about these drinks; and how our health is related with their consumption.

Common drinks and their ingredients; we take daily at our home and social gathering:

Tea, coffee, cocoa (chocolate) and colas contain xanthines mainly in the form of caffeine and theophylline as active ingredients which are responsible for their stimulating and diuretic effects.

Tea has been shown to contain anti-oxidant flavonoids in addition which protect the body against heart disease and cancer.

Fruit juices contain vitamins and anti-oxidants which delay the ageing process. They do not contain stimulants.

Effect of Caffeine and other xanthines in tea or, coffee on our body:

*They stimulate mental activity, making the thought process more rapid.

*Remove fatigue.

*Improve physical and mental performance by reducing fatigue or boredom.

*Makes the person more alert, shortens sleep.

*Directly stimulates the heart.

*Temporarily elevates blood pressure; effect lasting many hours.

*Combination of stress and caffeine cause additive rise in BP.

*Act as diuretic.

*Theophylline opens up constricted airways of asthma and asthmatic bronchitis and eases breathing.

*A degree of emotional dependence gradually develops.

Undesirable effects of excessive caffeine

#Anxiety, tension and tremors; deteriorating mental performance. Preventing sleep it reduces the level of physical and mental performance.
Diuretic effect disturbs sleep further.

#Overstimulation of the heart causes palpitations and premature beats (extra-systoles).

#Ulcer of the stomach may get worse.

For your ready reference here are the list of amount of caffeine in your favorite drinks

One cup of coffee = 80 mg of caffeine
One cup of tea = 30 mg of caffeine
One cup Chocolate drinks and cocoa = 30 mg caffeine
300ml of cola drink = 40mg of caffeine

Effect of caffeine You can easily calculate your allowances of caffeine according to your age.

Effect of caffeine in children

Child’s delicate stomach cannot tolerate irritant effect of coffee, and they are less tolerant of the stimulant effect and emotional dependence develops early.

Comparison of effects of caffeine (Tea, coffee and colas) between young and elderly

All effects of tea, coffee and cola drinks are more pronounced among the elderly than among younger people, particularly loss of sleep and increased urination. This aggravates the problems caused by enlarged prostate which is common among elderly men.

Other precautions to be taken for taking caffeine

As there is delayed effect of coffee in elderly, it may cause problem in sleep at night, though it is taken earlier. Lighter coffee like coffee chicory mixture is better for them.

Individuals at high risk for hypertension should abstain from routine use of caffeinated drinks particularly when stress at work place is high.

Avoid excessive amount of sugar, to prevent obesity.

Avoid decaffeinated coffee, because it has been linked to cancer; in its manufacture, chemicals are used, traces of which are left behind in the finished product and act as carcinogens.

This article is also published in India Study Channel

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