Monday, April 20, 2009

Cancer does not mean death!

Cancer is as old as mankind. It was found in an Egyptian mummy some 5,000 years old. Unfortunately, even now, people are unaware about its nature, its cause, its prevention and, most importantly, there are several misconceptions that make the problem even more complicated.

What is cancer?

The human body has the inherent capacity of repairing a dead or damaged tissue by multiplication of cells and there is a control system for this. When there is lack of control, the cells multiply excessively and form a lump. This is called a tumor. This can be benign — where the lump grows slowly, does not damage the neighboring structure and does not spread to other organs. These tumors are usually not fatal.

The other type of tumor is malignant (cancer), where the lump grows very rapidly, involves the neighboring and distant organs and can be fatal if not treated early.

What are the common types of cancer?

In males where tobacco addiction is a common problem, the common cancers are that of oral cavity, lung and prostate. In females, especially in rural areas, the common cancer is that of uterine cervix, whereas that in urban women it is breast cancer.

What are the causes of cancer?

Unfortunately the causes of two-thirds of all cancers are still not clear and several researches are going on worldwide to determine them. In one-thirds of cases, the causes are proved beyond doubt of which the most important is tobacco in any form such as smoking (Bidi, cigarette, hukah) and chewable (pan.paan masala, ghutka, khaini and jarda).

The other less common causative agents are diet (adulterated food, high fat and less fruits, vegetables and vitamins, more intake of junk, fast, stored and charred food), sunlight (causes skin cancer especially in the white race),

Genetic abnormality can predispose many members of the same family to can¬cers (mainly of breast, ovaries and bowel).

What are the symptoms of cancer?

Loss of appetite and body weight an ulcer which is not healing, lump which is rapidly increasing, persistent change of voice, bleeding with cough, vomits, stool or urine, inter menstrual bleeding, difficulty in swallowing, etc

Some common misconceptions about cancer:

Cancer means death -Most cancers, if detected early, can be cured completely.

Cancer is contagious - it is not (apart from uterine cancer which can spread by a virus through multiple partners).

Biopsy can cause cancer or spread of cancer - Biopsy or any surgery does not cause a benign tumor to turn cancerous. Taking a small sample of tissue (mostly done by fine needle or a small punch forceps) do not cause any spread. The doctors can guide you regarding the best way of doing it. Biopsy is important before embarking on a major surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy as the tumor may actually be not malignant at all. Even if malignant, the treatment strategy is completely different in different kinds of cancer, so it is important to plan beforehand by knowing the nature of it.


Cancer is preventable by avoiding the risk factors and can be detected early if people come forward to the doctors with symptoms mentioned above without ignoring them. There is no need to think that one should not do tests as that may cause cancer or expose the fact that he or she is harboring cancer. On the contrary, it is prudent to detect a cancer or a pre-cancerous area, which can then be completely cured. Many organs like breast, limbs and larynx can be preserved in early stages with new modalities of treatment. It is not contagious (except in cervical cancer, which is why multiple partners and unprotected sex should be avoided). Biopsies are advisable before embarking on a treatment and surgery is the treatment in most of the cancers in early stage. There is no need to panic about radio-therapy and chemotherapy. In the hands of experts the side-effects are minimum and can improve the results significantly. Even in advanced stages, symptom control can be achieved with a palliative care team and different support groups. We must remove all the misconceptions and try and prevent this potentially preventable and curable disease.

Acknowledgement: Dr. Saroj Gupta

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