Causes of breast cancer
The exact cause of this cancer is not known. If there is a family history of this type of cancer, then the risk increases by 10 per cent. Late marriage followed by late pregnancy and absence of breast-feeding may be the causes in most cases. In western countries the disease generally strikes women above 50 whereas in our country, India, the age limit has gone down to even-early the early 30's.
Symptoms of breast cancer
Lumps in the breast are the main symptoms of this cancer, occasionally accompanied with nipple discharge, retraction and puckering of nipples and swelling of underarm. But often, breast cancer Is diagnosed with neither of such symptoms but rather as Infections elsewhere as In lungs.
Self check of the breasts:
Regular self check up helps in timely detection and it is not a very complicated process.
Procedure of self examination of the breasts
In the shower
Lift your right arm. Use your left palm, feel your right breast whether there is any lump on your breast. Any change in feel below the skin can also be easily discovered in this method. Repeat the same procedure for your left breast.
Before a mirror
Leave your arms at your sides. See both the breasts for anything abnormal discharge, puckering, dimpling or changes in skin texture. Put your hands behind your head and clasp. In this position look vigilantly for any changes in the shape or contour of your breasts. Gently press both the nipples and look for discharge.
Lying down
Recline flat on your back and keep your left arm over your head and a pillow under your left shoulder. Now with your right palm touch and feel your left breast gently but firmly.
Start feeling in your armpit and then move down to just below your breast. By repeated up and down movement feel the whole area of the breast for any unusual lump or, swelling. Now place your arm on a solid surface and repeat the same up-and-down movement to examine the region between the breast and the underarm, and the underarm itself.
Treatment of breast cancer
A good rapport is needed with the doctor for the treatment so it is better to stick to one doctor who will understand your disease much better. This cancer is absolutely curable, if detected early, only the lumps and the affected glands can be removed without removal of the entire breast. After the operation, the patient is treated with six courses of chemotherapy. Hair loss, the side effect which every patient is afraid of, is only temporary. After chemotherapy, radiotherapy is given, but it is to be planned carefully so that the radiation does not affect the heart and lungs. Proper nutrition is also needed.
To prevent further infection, regular blood test is a must. For the next five years, the patient needs to be in touch with the doctor in addition to regular checkups.
Things one should know about breast cancer
* All breast lumps are not cancerous, in fact most of them are benign in nature.
* It is completely curable if diagnosed early.
* Awareness about the symptoms of breast cancer can help in early diagnosis and thus increase the chance of complete cure.
* Family history increases the chance of contracting the disease to a large extent.
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