Sunday, April 19, 2009

Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Prostate cancer

Facts one must know about Prostate Cancer

#Prostate cancer is a killer disease and the second largest killer of men worldwide.

#Early detection and diagnosis is essential for effective treatment of the cancer, and also to increase chances of survival

#Regular PSA check-ups after the age of 50 are mandatory.

#Yearly prostate health check-ups are essential for early detection of the disease.

Prostate cancer is a male cancer, that is, it only occurs in men, affecting the prostate gland and surrounding regions of the male anatomy. Men over the age of 50 are more susceptible to it, as that is the age when the prostate gland begins to enlarge, and 25 per cent of all prostate enlargements are affected by it. It can be a killer, and generally is, but less virulent forms of it have also been detected. In recent years, major advancement has been made in the early detection of the cancer.

Causes of cancer of the prostate gland

There is no direct cause of prostate cancer. An international study has shown that blacks get it more than whites and Asians settling abroad also face increased chances of being affected by this type of cancer. Though it is not very well established, there may be some dietary causes behind prostate cancer, such as regularly consuming food that is high in fat content and smoking. Some studies have shown that there may be a genetic or familial correlation, although this again has not yet been established.

Symptoms of cancers of the prostate gland

The prostate gland starts enlarging after the age of 50, due to changes in hormonal milieu. The phenomenon has some similarity to menopause which occurs in women. The symptoms of prostate cancer are symptoms of enlargement of the prostate gland.

These are:

*Obstruction to urinary flow
*Frequent passage of urine Slow urine flow, followed .by complete blockage.

Some general symptoms are

*Pain in the groin
*Pain in the bones, especially the back
*Weight loss
*Presence of blood in urine.

Diagnosis of cancer prostate

Earlier, the biggest hindrance to treatment of prostate cancer was that it was usually detected very late. The prostate gland is concealed behind the pubic bones, and for a long time, there was no known tumor marker, hence, it was not very easy to detect prostate cancer. Now, however, there is a marker - Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), is identified, produced by the gland. In case of cancer, the level of production increases drastically. Although increased levels of PSA do not confirm the presence of cancer, they certainly give a signal of it. Further analysis of how much PSA is present as free radicals, and how much is in combined form, helps in confirming the presence of cancer. Digital Rectal Examinations, Isotope Bone Scans and MRI Scans of the prostate gland can also detect this type of cancer.

Treatment of prostatic cancer:

First, step is directed to reduce the enlargement of the gland. This can be done through a Gold Standard Surgery by Trans Urethral Resection of Prostate (TURP). After this, the tissue is sent for biopsy, which yields a diagnosis confirming the presence or absence of cancer.

If cancer is confirmed, PSA and Bone Scan are performed, along with a CT/MRI Scan. This gives the stage and grade of the disease, that is, it shows just how far the cancer has progressed. Unfortunately in most cases, it is found to be in advanced stages.

The cancer can then be controlled by hormonal manipulation. It means hormonal ablation - stopping testosterone from reaching the prostate gland, and can be done via two methods - surgically (chopping off the testicles, or medically (injections and tablets).

If the cancer is detected while it is still in the early stages, an operation called the Radical Prostatectomy, which removes the entire gland can be performed.

Another option is to completely burn out the gland through Radical Radiotherapy. While the operation preserves sexual functions and leaves the sexual organs intact, radiation affects the surrounding organs as well, which results in poor sexual performance, along with a very irritable bowel and bladder.

The treatments listed above can be performed only if the cancer is confined to the prostate gland, and has not spread outside it. In very advanced stages, the cancer becomes uncontrollable, when it spread to bones and spinal cord. In such cases treatment that can be given is mainly related to pain control and alleviation of discomfort.

Prevention of cancer of the prostate gland

There is no sure-shot way of preventing prostate cancer. Regular health checkups, including screenings and scans of the prostate gland, along with PSA detection help in detecting the cancer early and effectively treating it.

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